Juan Andrés Vergara - Market Director

Submitted by rafael.carvall… on Wed, 07/24/2019 - 23:49

Civil Electrical Engineer graduated from the University of Chile, also has a diploma in Free Competition from the Pontificia Catholic University of Chile.

He has experience in Systep Engineering and Design, as well as the Market Operations Department of the CDEC-SING, and up until 2018 in the Research, Development and Innovation Department of the National Electric Coordinator.

Sebastián Campos - Research and Business Director

Submitted by rafael.carvall… on Wed, 07/24/2019 - 23:15

Civil Electrical Engineer graduated from the University of Chile, also has a diploma in Operations Management from the Adolfo Ibanez University, and master’s degree in Energy Economics from the Federico Santa Maria Technical University. Worked at Transelec, in the Operations department of the CDEC-SING. Also excelled as Head of the Operational Excellence Department of the National Electrical Coordinator up until June 2019.

Transformación Energética en Chile: Lecciones y Aprendizajes

Submitted by ngatica@samara.cl on Wed, 07/03/2019 - 21:59

Bajo el título “Transformación Energética en Chile: Lecciones y Aprendizajes”, se realizó el Webinar organizado por CECACIER, organización no gubernamental, sin fines de lucro, que reúne a empresas y organismos del sector energético de la región Centroamericana y el Caribe, miembro de la Comisión de Integración Energética Regional (CIER), en el cual Daniel Salazar, Socio Director de energiE, presentó la experiencia chilena en el desarrollo e inserción de energías renovables variables.

Descarbonización: Riesgo de déficit de abastecimiento en la Región de Valparaíso habría motivado esquema de reserva

Submitted by ngatica@samara.cl on Wed, 07/03/2019 - 21:52

En nota publicada en el Mercurio, Socio Director de energiE se refiere al proceso de descarbonización recientemente acordado entre las empresas generadoras y el Ministerio de Energía. En particular, aborda el mecanismo de reserva estratégica y la necesidad de reforzar capacidades del sistema de transmisión que abastece la zona costa de la Región de Valparaíso.

Chile sirve de referencia para desarrollo renovable en Perú

Submitted by ngatica@samara.cl on Wed, 07/03/2019 - 21:42

Máximos ejecutivos chilenos estuvieron presentes en la cita energética más influyente del Perú, Perú Energía 2019 bajo el lema "Innovación en una industria que transforma un país", la cual contó con los principales líderes de la industria y más de 300 asistentes.

La cita fue inaugurada por la ViceMinistra de Energía Patricia Elliot, quien se refirió a la nueva ola de reformas que se proyecta en el sector eléctrico peruano.

Encuentro Energético ElecGas 2019: Descarbonización en Chile

Submitted by ngatica@samara.cl on Wed, 07/03/2019 - 21:33

Los alcances del proceso de descarbonización que impulsa el Ministerio de Energía con las empresas generadoras fue uno de los temas que abordaron los especialistas presentes en la XVIII versión del Encuentro Energético ElecGas 2019, realizado en el Hotel Cumbres de Vitacura.

We deliver excellent service and are committed in developing an outstanding business model for our clients.

We contribute with our experience in designing and strategic planning, with innovative tools for the development of energy portfolio projects. Our know-how supports the negotiation process as well as the administration and management when creating energy supply contracts. Our desire is to represent all those companies that wish to participate in the energy market, carrying out an analysis of current regulations and evaluating the impact of possible regulatory changes.


We want to aid all those companies that would like to participate in the transmission bidding processes.

We counsel energy or consumer infrastructure projects throughout their development, construction, connection and operation cycle.

We assist the negotiation processes before the different counterparts and in the different stages during the development of a project.

We provide training programs in procedures for technical management and design internal processes so that our clients can harmoniously integrate into the energy market.


We value information therefore we collaborate in the development of our client’s information platforms. Assisting with data management to enhance the business, through the automation and optimization of data flows and processes, from integration and cleaning, to modeling and visualization. Based on Big Data Analytics & AI, we support the Digital Transformation of companies and organizations.


We are a consulting firm created by professionals with more than 2 decades working in the energy sector. We believe that the time has come to deliver our experience by contributing from the private world to the growth of our clients.